New York University
181 Mercer Street Visual Mep Inspection
DM Engineers, in partnership with BR+A, undertook a critical task for NYU, involving visual MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) inspections of a packaged plant constructed at Epsilon Industries Inc. in Canada. This packaged MEP plant was destined to serve NYU's multipurpose facility located at 181 Mercer Street.
The scope of work entailed a meticulous examination of the packaged MEP Plant to assess its compliance with mechanical and plumbing codes applicable to New York City. This assessment was conducted in alignment with NYC building codes, ensuring that the plant met all the necessary regulatory requirements.
Subsequently, DM Engineers prepared a comprehensive technical report that documented the findings of the visual inspections. This report not only highlighted any deficiencies or areas where the plant did not meet NYC code parameters but also provided valuable guidance for Epsilon Industries, the manufacturer, on how to rectify these issues and bring the system into compliance with NYC building codes.
By performing these inspections and providing expert guidance, DM Engineers contributed to the successful implementation of the MEP plant, ensuring that it would effectively serve NYU's multipurpose facility while adhering to the stringent regulatory standards of New York City.

Project Details